Welcome to Dr. Aylin Dogan’s
Soul Performance events where
Art, Science, Healing Practices
join as one!
She is looking forward to serving you to Process & Transform your life Challenges, Create your Dream Projects & Bring Brilliance in Life, Relationships & Business.
Soul Performance Workshops & Transformative Training Programs are designed to make you jump to the next level in your Life Journey! Join one of our exclusive groups for a speed date with your future Self.Come and experience Aylin’s 3 Step Formula:
‘Discover You, Heal You, New You!’
We may all lose our emotional balance or have physical health issues against the hardships of life!
Good news: There are faster tracks to transform your issues.
With accurate guidance and science-based transformative tools you can gain back your mojo, brilliance and much more!
Tracing and meditating with Tao Calligraphies can connect us to the Source Oneness Field and transform us deeply. They are powerful, they are transformative, they are magical! Learn how they work on a scientific basis.
We invite you to take the first step to experience the gifts of a magical world, supported with science and uplifted with Art & Heart Intelligence.
Experience the Unique Energy Field of Tao Calligraphies to uplift your frequency and receive the fastest healing results in your physical and mental health, relationships and life challenges.
From executives to the staff, all employees carry vital importance to the Success & Financial Flourishing of a Business.
‘Performance at Work’ coaching is designed to give your employees the necessary energy, mind-set and emotional boost to carry your Business forward!
Upcoming Workshop
The Art and Science
of Authentic Living
December 11
06:30 - 9:30 pm
Join us for an inspiring workshop designed specifically for artists and creative individuals seeking to uncover their true essence and enhance their life performance, art and work. In this transformative workshop you will learn how to connect with your soul, explore your unique soul qualities, and gain insights into your soul message, purpose, and significant life challenges.
Past Meditation
Tao Chang
Equinox Meditation
22 September
Sunday / 20:00
Tao Academy’s Certified Tao Chang Messenger Dr.Aylin Doğan invites you to join her for a Tao Calligraphy Healing Field Experience. Come with any one request, whether it is a health condition, relationship issue or financial challenge. Experience the powerful Healing Field & how your state of being can change even after
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